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Chapter History

The Sanford Alumnae Chapter is one of over 950 chapters in the Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.’s network. The Sanford Chapter was chartered on May 4, 1984, by thirteen concerned Delta women that saw a need for public service within the Sanford Community.  These women became a new link in the Southern Region of Delta's National Organization.

SAC founders.png

Past Presidents

Shirley Wynn Allen ---------------------------------------------------1984-1986
Ella Wiggins Robinson ----------------------------------------------1986-1989
Sylvia H. Stallworth -------------------------------------- -----------1989-1990
Dr. Benita Tillman Brown -------------------------------------------1990-1992
Elnora G. Holt --------------------------------------------------------1992-1995
Lillian McGill-Jordan ------------------------------------------------1995-1997
Shirley K. Baker ----------------------------------------------------- 1997-1999
Barbara Johnson ---------------------------------------------------1999-2003
Janice Hanley ------------------------------------------------------- 2003-2007
Arnita Washington --------------------------------------------------2007-2009
Dr. Valene Hartsfield ------------------------------------------------2009-2011
Dr. Barbara Kirby-Bentley -----------------------------------------2011-2015
Sheila Steele ---------------------------------------------------------2015-2019
Rhonda Combs-Jenkins -------------------------------------------2019-2023
Kammi Berry---------------------------------------------------------2023-Present

Chapter Charter Members

Shirley Allen.png
Ella Gilmore.png
Fannie Miller.png
Ella Robinson.png
Alberta Taylor.png
Linda Williams.png

Shirley Allen

Fannie Miller

Albertha Taylor

Ella Gilmore

Linda Williams

Ella Robinson

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Patricia Hitchmon (Whatley.png
Bonita Sherman.png
Sylvia Stallworth.png
Ruby Williams.png
Ruth Williams (Walker).png

Debborah Haynes

Bonita Sherman

Ruby Williams

Patricia Hitchmon (Whately)

Sylvia Stallworth

          Ruth Walker

Shirley Williams.png

Shirley Williams

Support the Cause



One of the many goals of the Sanford Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., is to provide assistance and support to the Seminole County communities through established programs that focus on education, health, economics, political issues, international development, and empowerment for African American families. If you would like to support any or all of our initiatives, please contact our chapter via email at:


This site is the sole property and responsibility of the Sanford Alumnae Chapter | Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc |

P.O. Box 1712 | Sanford, FL 32772-1712 | Email:

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